Blessings in the Heavenly Places

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” (Ephesians 1:3)

These past couple of months, as I have been communing with God in prayer, I feel more led to seek out the “blessings in the heavenly places.”  More and more I am beginning to desire those things which are above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God‘s power.

I want to search these blessings out, find out more in detail about the heavenly places where Christ is seated that I may increase in the knowledge of God and His will for me and every believer that we may know what God’s will and instruction is in this hour for this generation.

I believe it is very important that we as the body of Christ become more on one accord as the exceeding greatness of God’s power is ever abounding towards us.  There is a work that the church must do and fulfil in this last hour.

I expound on this quite a bit in my book, “The Hidden Riches in Christ Jesus”, whereby, I discuss how God desires the church to be on one accord and in unity, how we must begin to become more unified in the faith, speaking the same things and believing the same, no longer being divided by denominations and doctrines.

The fullness of God’s power is not operant in the church today, I believe, because of this very thing of separateness, different doctrines and beliefs.  In order for us as believers to tap into the greatness of this power in the heavenly places where Christ is seated, we must begin to be on one accord, coming together more in fellowship, not just having various speakers to come and speak at our services and they bring some of their church members with them, but the actual fellowshiping, coming together in a place on one accord, several different ministries at a time, together for strictly for worship and prayer.

It is good that we have conferences, women conferences, men conferences, leadership conferences, but this is the hour that God is calling the church to be unified that we may pray in the masses, that God’s power and anointing can be stirred up in an atmosphere of prayer and worship.

I see a need for the church to come together on this level of unity and one accordness in prayer and worship, not just the listening to the praise and worship team and choirs getting up to sing, because this seems to be becoming a form of entertainment for some.  But, the actual worship music playing and just let the church be released to lift up our hands unto God in worship, prayer and thanksgiving.

This form of worship not only stirs up the glory and anointing of the Lord in our mist, but it releases faith in the atmosphere and this is how we are able to tap into that power, experiencing it and pull down the blessings in the heavenly places where Christ is seated above at the right hand of God’s power.

A good example of the saints being on one accord in prayer and worship was in the book of acts 1:13 in the upper room.  “These all continued with one accord in prayer and supplication, with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and with His brothers.”

“When the day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.  And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house where they were sitting (Acts 2:1-2).

This is so powerful.  Allowing more time in worship  and prayer, music played gently, not just for a set time, but until the Holyspirit has His way and cease the worship and prayer in His time, as it slowly fades, all the power, anointing and blessings will have been released from the spirit realm of the heavenlies into the natural realm and the manifestation of miracles will have taken place.

This is how we can experience the power of God and even more of His riches in grace, by simply coming together on one accord, taking our agenda out of the services, and allowing more time for worship and prayer from  the saints.  No praise and worship leaders singing specific songs, but music being played, that way the saints are not staring at the saints doing the singing but they will be lifting their eyes, hands and heart unto God and God will get all the attention and glory.

Ephesians 1:3 states that “God has blessed us with ‘every’ spiritual blessing in the in the heavenly places in christ”, in my next blog I will explore what those blessings are that we, as believers, may understand the power we have access to.  Having knowledge of this power  increases our faith and equips us when we are going through a storm, trial, or test.  With our power in Christ, we can endure and bear it out until it passes over.  Also, we will begin to see more manifestations of healing, recovery, restoration, and deliverance in the lives of the people coming out of the world of darkness into a life of Christ.

As we exercise our power and receive our blessings in the heavenly places, we grow more into the image of Christ.  Because that is basically what is happening when we begin to experience seasons of trials and tests and sifting of the enemy, we become more transformed into the image of Christ and we stand in our authority in Him.  This is what God wants and for our hearts to be purged and purified, that we become more humble and full of grace.

Yet, it pleases God when we are bold as a lion in our faith and our ability to exercise our gifts in power.  To God be the glory.

#Experience the power.

~ by ladysilk13 on August 26, 2012.

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